Like most families, my genealogy is complex and fascinating (at least to me!). Being adopted also gives me two sets of families to research, and these pages contain information on both, and includes my wife’s families. Our origins are variously felonious, humble (sometimes very humble!), to royal.

I will update data as I find new connections. There are still many loose ends to tie up and brick walls to break down. It would be nice to say that I had access to a wealth of family information and stories via parents and grandparents, but alas in my case this was not possible. My adoptive father Paul did make a start on his tree before he died and this has been useful, but I wasn't interested in family history at the time. How often do people say they wish they had asked the family elders when they had a chance!

And of course it is always hard for adoptees to find out about their birth families, but I am gradually unravelling the knots to find out who I really am.

THANKS, and a disclaimer...

I'd like to thank the many genealogists who have wittingly, or unwittingly, provided information and clues. I'd especially like to acknowledge contributions from the House, Farr, Dyett, Court and Batt families.

Any mistakes in these pages are mine - I have tried to confirm doubtful connections where possible, but there are no doubt many incorrect assumptions and I would value feedback where appropriate. Much (but by no means all!) of the information in these pages has been sourced from the internet, and as such needs to be viewed with caution, and I extend a general apology for any misrepresentation: this is very much a work in progress. Please contact me with corrections, suggestions, or information, especially if you can help with any of my brick walls!


Welcome to my family history website! This site features the Dyett, House, Farr, Court, Batt, Ridout and Hickford families of Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Yorkshire, Kent and London - and many others.

Start with either the Surnames or Full list links, or use the custom search box. Click on a name to be taken to a list of people with that name, then click on one of them to be taken to a family card. Examples of these are given here. At the foot of each family and person card there are links to get back to the main indexes and Home page.

On individual pages, the abbreviations used are:

b.        date of birth

d.        date of death

bur.     date of burial

ali.      alias, alternative


ch.      date of christening
           or baptism

occ.    occupation, profession

The Trees link opens a page showing the latest complete trees (you will need to zoom in to see them clearly), and the Connections page has information about some of my more interesting ancestors. Brief vignettes of my main families can be found from the Family Stories page.

There is an interactive Google map here showing some of the key places in my families’ histories, and maps of UK counties and Europe here that show where my direct ancestors came from.

I also have an online Amazon store for publications on family history, local English history, genealogy and adoption.

A full list of all main pages is given below.


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